REMEMBERING OLIVER REGINALD TAMBO: Political freedom alone is incomplete without economic emancipation.

Maleka Charles 

President Jacob Zuma has urged the Government to ensure that Black owned companies are given an opportunity to participate in the aviation economy and its value chain.

Speaking in the uncovering of the statue of Oliver Reginald Tambo at OR Tambo International airport on Thursday, President Zuma said Black industrials and black owned enterprises should take part in the aviation related careers such as Pilot, aeronautical engineering, aviation safety and meteorologist as part of paying homage to Oliver Tambo.

“Today as we unveil the statue of OR Tambo, we need to ensure that black industrialists and black owned enterprises get the opportunity to participate in the aviation economy and its value chain.”

“This includes participating in aviation related careers such as Pilots, aeronautical engineering, aircraft assemblers, airport planners, aviation safety, specialists and meteorologists, we will then be playing a fitting tribute to OR Tambo, who wanted to see progress and development for the people of our country.” Zuma said.

President Zuma said if the Government sought to have intrusive economy and radical economic transformation in order to reflect the demographics of the country, it is important to reflect first on what Tambo said in London, 1981 during the anniversary meeting of the South African Communist Party about the economic transformation of the country.

“President Tambo said ‘Political freedom alone is incomplete without economic emancipation.’”

“He said and I quote, ‘the objective of our struggle in South Africa as set out in the freedom charter encompasses economic emancipation, it is inconceivable for liberation to have meaning without a return of the wealth of the country to the people as a whole,’ that’s OR.” Zuma concluded.                              

                            THE PRESIDENT SLAM CRIME IN THE AIRPORT

Zuma also condemned crime that is associated with the airport, where passengers fall prey to attacks on daily basis as they leave the airport.

He said the law enforcements have been instructed to put to paid such attacks and make sure the criminals are arrested thereof.

“Law enforcement agencies have been instructed to ensure that such attacks come to an end, and that criminals are brought to book.”

The President said the nation needed to uphold the memory of OR Tambo by making the OR International airport and all parts of the country safe.

He said the abiding legacy Tambo left is a hall mark of inspiration that will push them to build a united nonracial, non-sexist and prosperous South Africa.

“As we unveil this statue and honor OR together, we reiterate Madiba’s words that Oliver Tambo has not died because the ideals which he sacrificed his life can never die.”

“He will continue to inspire all of us, as we forge ahead with a mission of building a united nonracial, non-sexist and prosperous South Africa.

The President said the statue that is approximately 250 meter tall will enhance tourism in the country.

The statue is erected right at the entrance of the OR International airport.