Maleka Charles
Itirele- Zenzele Comprehensive high school will host its 2018 School Governing Body (SGB) elections this coming Sunday at the Itirele-Zenzele’s premises, Diepsloot. Said Principal M.A Masenya on Friday.
The school will give the parents in the community of Diepsloot a chance to govern their local schools as part of the key structures of a democracy.
“We urge parents to participate fully in the nomination and election of members to ensure that the school serves the best interests of their children.”
According to The South African Schools Act (SASA), the School governing bodies will be responsible for the decision making on admissions policy for the school, the language policy of the school,
The religious practices that must be followed by the school, the formulation of the school’s constitution and mission statement, the code of conduct for learners which sets out disciplinary procedures,
Budget and financial management, recommending staff appointments and supporting the principal, teachers and other staff.
The Head office said parents that wish to take part in the SGB elections must be parents of the learners in school and must not be the employees of the school.
“For parents nominees, the proposer and the seconder must be parents of learners at school, nominees must be parents that are not employed at school.”
Parents are expected to have their ID’s, passport or temporary ID documents with them if they are to participate in the elections.
“Parents should bring along ID/Passport/Temporary ID documents and legal guardians must bring along proof of being a legal guardian.” Said Mr T.C. Ngwenya
The elections will start at nine of clock, Sunday Morning, at Itirele-Zenzele comprehensive high school.