The EFF leader Julius Malema, Party members and Ringo Madlingozi: Pictures Twitter.

Maleka Charles

‘I want to repeat the majority of Indians are racist.’ Said The EFF leader Julius Malema at the Youth rally in Matlosana Stadium, North West.

The EFF leader Julius Malema has lambasted the Indian community for being racists and for looking down on black people on Saturday.

The EFF leader said the Indians are racists and that they were not the most oppressed as Black people during apartheid, he also asked that the issue be confronted with reality without fear.

 “I want to repeat, majority of Indians are racist. They look down on black people and we must confront this reality without fear.”

“If you want to see that majority of Indians are racists, they are not many marriages between blacks and Indians.”

“If you marry a black person as an Indian, you are rejected.”

“We must not forget that during the apartheid regime, there was a hierarchy of oppression.”

“Our oppression was worse than the oppression of the Indians. That is why we say we are fighting for the liberation of the African Child in particular.”

Malema said the Indians are the only people that are beneficial to the BEE than blacks in South Africa.

He even went out gun blazing saying to the Indian journalists that he is not afraid of SARS, The SAPS and Media.

“If you go and check who are the major beneficiaries of BEE, it’s Indians but they have forgotten that we were not treated the same during Apartheid.”

“I want to tell all those Indian Journalists who organised a mob against us, we are not scared of SARS, we are not scared of SAPS, we are not even scared of the Media because we are not made by the media.”

Malema reminded the youth of North West that Black people were the more oppressed than the Indians during the apartheid era.

The enraged Malema also said white people must not expropriate a black man’s identity.

“White people should not expropriate our identity.”