Maleka Charles
Movie : Elephant White
Casts : Djimon Hounsou, Kevin Bacon, Jirantanin Pitakporntrakul,Sahajak Boonthanakit.
Producers: Humberto Arechina, Daniel Bernhardt
Directors :Prachya Pinkaew
Released : 17 MAY 2011
Gunslingers have soft spot for three things, beautiful ladies, guns and money, but one thing they hate the most, is people who find fetish in hurting other people.
Hired to kill a group of gangs that murdered a daughter of a business man named Rajahdon, whose father is linked to the trafficking of girls into Thailand for prostitution.
Curtie Church then finds himself in a confounding city of Thailand, a city brimming with drugs, prostitution and some marauding gangs and he must put to paid this evil.
In his quest, Church meets with two important people who help him to accomplish his mission, Jimmy English and Mae the spirit girl.
English is a man who embraces expensive designer shirts and serious guns and supplies Church with guns to execute his job, while Mae the spirit girl, is an erstwhile prostitute, who apparently died some thirty years ago.
Here Mae leads the gunslinger to places, where girls are battered, drugged, raped and consequently murdered.
In the process Church wages war with other gangs to abolish the greatest number of white slave traders in the city.
Somewhere in between Rajahdon wants Church to kill Bhun, his father’s advisor, a man whose father, Boss Katha, prefers as his successor, the reason Rajahdon wants him dead.
The movie is a little bit confusing but worth the watch if you really are into snippers and guns, and mostly action and are not the type to look for the moral of the story.
Remember I said in the threshold, that gunslingers have soft spot for beautiful ladies, not only beautiful ladies as such, but ladies they happen come close to.
It is at Boss Katha's that Curtie Church discovers the truth about Mae the spirit girl, that she passed away some thirty years ago and was just a spirit voice that guided him to freeing the girls from Boss Katha’s house.
Well, the movie is an awareness about human trafficking and girls that are kidnapped and turned into sex pets or call it prostitutes.
It has a lot of demented nudity, guns and blood, and may not be good for children under the age of 14.
I wouldn’t waste my time and go to the movie to watch this grap, for I find it not fitting in my system of interest, the movie doesn’t tease me at all.
But it is a good movie nonetheless, in terms of graphics and pace, it’s one of those movies you’d not keep in your archives for future watch, instead it’s one of those you’d watch ones and never revisit again.
I like Djimon Hounsou's movies, movies like The killing zoo, Deep Rising and Blood diamond do it for me. But this one, 'hayichona' I think it deserves Seven out of Ten.